BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//RCAP Solutions - ECPv6.1.3//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for RCAP Solutions REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20230312T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20231105T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230809T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230809T180000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230710T164358Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163431Z SUMMARY:💧 Business Plans for Small Water Utilities – Virtual (NH) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nIs your water utility anticipating funding from the State of New Hampshire in 2023 or planning to apply in 2024? Are you aware that completing a Water System Business Plan or Asset Management Plan must be completed as a condition of the State funding\, and can help your project rank higher for future funding? This free training will walk you through the steps to complete and apply your Water System Business Plan to ensure the long-term upkeep and sustainability of your water infrastructure assets. The training is targeted to all water operators\, managers\, consultants\, and board members of small\, privately owned community systems serving less than 1\,000 people. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230810T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230810T203000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230630T134806Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163636Z SUMMARY:🏠 August 2023 First-Time Homebuyer Workshop (Day 1 of 3) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n\nIn this MassHousing approved\, HUD and CHAPA certified workshop\, attendees will learn about programs available to assist income-eligible first time homebuyers; understand the steps in the homebuying process; meet with professionals who will discuss what to look for in a homebuying team; and receive the necessary certification required by many first time homebuyer programs.\n\nPlease note\, this is a three-day hybrid workshop running from 5:30 to 8:30 PM on August 10\, 17\, & 24. Attendance at all three sessions is required per HUD guidelines.\n\nThe first two sessions will be held in-person on August 10 & 17 at our office on 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA 01602. Food and refreshments will be provided.\n\nThe third session will be held virtually on August 24 through Adobe Connect. Instructions on how to join the virtual session will be shared with attendees during the second in-person session.\n\nTickets are first come\, first served. Limited seats are available. Join our mailing list and receive upcoming training notices by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:RCAP Solutions\, 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA\, 01602\, United States CATEGORIES:Events,Housing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230812T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230812T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230710T164716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163507Z SUMMARY:💧 Business Plans for Small Water Utilities – In-Person (NH) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nIs your water utility anticipating funding from the State of New Hampshire in 2023 or planning to apply in 2024? Are you aware that completing a Water System Business Plan or Asset Management Plan must be completed as a condition of the State funding\, and can help your project rank higher for future funding? This free training will walk you through the steps to complete and apply your Water System Business Plan to ensure the long-term upkeep and sustainability of your water infrastructure assets. The training is targeted to all water operators\, managers\, consultants\, and board members of small\, privately-owned community systems serving less than 1\,000 people. URL: LOCATION:Harvey-Mitchell Memorial Library\, 151 Main Street\, Epping\, NH\, 03042\, United States CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230815T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230815T203000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230630T142043Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163703Z SUMMARY:🏠 August 2023 Virtual HomeSafe Post-Purchase Workshop for Homeowners (Day 1 of 2) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n\nCongratulations\, you bought a house! Now what? By attending RCAP Solutions’ HomeSafe Post-Purchase workshop you will sharpen your knowledge and become equipped with the necessary skills to maintain your home and finances.\n\nPlease note\, this is a two-day virtual workshop running from 5:30 to 8:30 PM on August 15 & 22. Attendance at both sessions is required to receive credit.\n\nAfter registering\, you will receive confirmation e-mail that you have signed up and we will provide additional instructions and a link to join the virtual workshop. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Events,Housing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230816T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230816T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230807T162922Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163509Z SUMMARY:💧 Basic Math for Operators (MA) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nThis “Basic Math” course is a refresher course for those looking to brush up on their basic math skills\, whether for daily operation calculations or in preparation for an operator’s exam. We will start at the beginning\, quickly covering the basics of rounding\, fractions\, percentages\, and geometry\, then will spend a bit more time on conversion factors and re-arranging equations. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230817T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230817T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230724T192211Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163511Z SUMMARY:💧 Wastewater Collection System Basics (NH) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nThe Water Environment Federation Wastewater Collection System Basics training is an introductory program that has been designed to provide systems of all sizes with a basic understanding of how wastewater collection systems function and are best managed. The training will include a description of system operations\, internal components\, and maintenance & repairs from historical and modern perspectives. The program will give an overview of system attributes for operators\, board members\, managers\, and support staff including the ability to identify and define collection system components to better recognize their role in wastewater management and treatment. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230817T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230817T203000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230630T134845Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163706Z SUMMARY:🏠 August 2023 First-Time Homebuyer Workshop (Day 2 of 3) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n\nIn this MassHousing approved\, HUD and CHAPA certified workshop\, attendees will learn about programs available to assist income-eligible first time homebuyers; understand the steps in the homebuying process; meet with professionals who will discuss what to look for in a homebuying team; and receive the necessary certification required by many first time homebuyer programs.\n\nPlease note\, this is a three-day hybrid workshop running from 5:30 to 8:30 PM on August 10\, 17\, & 24. Attendance at all three sessions is required per HUD guidelines.\n\nThe first two sessions will be held in-person on August 10 & 17 at our office on 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA 01602. Food and refreshments will be provided.\n\nThe third session will be held virtually on August 24 through Adobe Connect. Instructions on how to join the virtual session will be shared with attendees during the second in-person session.\n\nTickets are first come\, first served. Limited seats are available. Join our mailing list and receive upcoming training notices by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:RCAP Solutions\, 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA\, 01602\, United States CATEGORIES:Events,Housing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230821T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230821T160000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230807T163142Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163514Z SUMMARY:💧 Basic Math for Operators (CT) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nThis “Basic Math” course is a refresher course for those looking to brush up on their basic math skills\, whether for daily operation calculations or in preparation for an operator’s exam. We will start at the beginning\, quickly covering the basics of rounding\, fractions\, percentages\, and geometry\, then will spend a bit more time on conversion factors and re-arranging equations. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230822T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230822T203000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230630T142116Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163708Z SUMMARY:🏠 August 2023 Virtual HomeSafe Post-Purchase Workshop for Homeowners (Day 2 of 2) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n\nCongratulations\, you bought a house! Now what? By attending RCAP Solutions’ HomeSafe Post-Purchase workshop you will sharpen your knowledge and become equipped with the necessary skills to maintain your home and finances.\n\nPlease note\, this is a two-day virtual workshop running from 5:30 to 8:30 PM on August 15 & 22. Attendance at both sessions is required to receive credit.\n\nAfter registering\, you will receive confirmation e-mail that you have signed up and we will provide additional instructions and a link to join the virtual workshop. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Events,Housing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230824T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230824T203000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230630T134904Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163711Z SUMMARY:🏠 August 2023 First-Time Homebuyer Workshop (Day 3 of 3) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n\nIn this MassHousing approved\, HUD and CHAPA certified workshop\, attendees will learn about programs available to assist income-eligible first time homebuyers; understand the steps in the homebuying process; meet with professionals who will discuss what to look for in a homebuying team; and receive the necessary certification required by many first time homebuyer programs.\n\nPlease note\, this is a three-day hybrid workshop running from 5:30 to 8:30 PM on August 10\, 17\, & 24. Attendance at all three sessions is required per HUD guidelines.\n\nThe first two sessions will be held in-person on August 10 & 17 at our office on 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA 01602. Food and refreshments will be provided.\n\nThe third session will be held virtually on August 24 through Adobe Connect. Instructions on how to join the virtual session will be shared with attendees during the second in-person session.\n\nTickets are first come\, first served. Limited seats are available. Join our mailing list and receive upcoming training notices by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:RCAP Solutions\, 191 May Street\, Worcester\, MA\, 01602\, United States CATEGORIES:Events,Housing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230828T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230828T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230727T171920Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163517Z SUMMARY:💧 Introduction to GIS for Water & Wastewater Operators (VT) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE \nRCAP Solutions presents an online workshop for small system water and wastewater operators: \n\nIs your small system in need of accurate and reliable maps of your system’s assets?\nAre you interested in learning how to use GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping to create digital maps that are accurate\, accessible\, and printable?\nAre you looking to enhance your current GIS program by incorporating common O&M activities into your workflow? Join us for an exclusive workshop where you will get hands-on experience using the latest GIS software and technology.\n\nExplore how GIS can be used to: \n\nCreate an accurate system inventory\nEasily manage your GIS data\nTrack hydrant flushing\nManage water main leaks\nRecord manhole inspections\nInteractive demonstrations led by experienced GIS technical specialists\nLearn about GIS software\n\nApproved for 2 Training Contact Hours (TCHs) for Vermont certified water and wastewater operators. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230829T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230829T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230807T163013Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163520Z SUMMARY:💧 Basic Math for Operators (RI) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nThis “Basic Math” course is a refresher course for those looking to brush up on their basic math skills\, whether for daily operation calculations or in preparation for an operator’s exam. We will start at the beginning\, quickly covering the basics of rounding\, fractions\, percentages\, and geometry\, then will spend a bit more time on conversion factors and re-arranging equations. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230830T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230830T120000 DTSTAMP:20230808T041906 CREATED:20230724T130757Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230807T163524Z SUMMARY:💧 Wastewater Treatment: An Overview of an Activated Sludge System (USVI) DESCRIPTION:REGISTER HERE\n \nThis training will provide an overview of a typical wastewater secondary treatment plant overview\, with emphasis in activated sludge process. Summary includes preliminary and primary treatment\, activated sludge process\, and aerobic digestion. It is a good review for experienced operators\, or a good starting point for those new to the field and that want to better understand wastewater treatment. Delivery in English. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Community & Environmental,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR